I was once asked by one of my mentors, "What is the one thing in this world that no one can take away from you?" I came up with all sorts of answers before he let me know that "the one thing in this world that no one can take away from you, is the knowledge that you've obtained!" It was this seamlessly innocent question that changed my life. From that point forward I started taking in information that would help me excel in whatever I was doing and in turn passing on the information that I have gained to others.
Some people say that learning and studying is a chore and tend to shy away from it. I don't know about you, but I grew up with one simple song that was always stuck in my head, "I don't want to grow up, cause I'm a Toys "R" Us kid!" Some of the first toys you get as a child are educational toys, like putting the pegs in the hole or finding out what sounds all the animals on Old Macdonald's farm make. I don't see why that joy and fun has to end just because we are getting older. The only difference between then and now is the different toys we get to play with.
The STEM field is a great place to learn and play with cool toys. If you are a student, teacher, or parent interested in learning more about land surveying and the cool things that we get to do, check out the educational links below or reach out to me to set up a Survey STEM demo day at your school or other event.

"Engaging, educating and empowering future surveyors to take on the challenges of the tomorrow, bettering the geospatial industry for all."

Do you ever wish that you could have a weekly cup of coffee with like-minded surveying professionals? We are here to tell you that you can do just that – by participating in the virtual Mentoring Mondays program.

The mission of NISET is to educate the next generation of professional land surveyors in the United States and abroad by using the most current learning methods, providing rigorous instruction in all core areas of surveying knowledge, and providing hands-on practical experiences to all our students. Our Institute serves a diverse and geographically dispersed student population including working professionals and rural students.